The United States Constitution Article 1 Section 8 Clause 15: This delegates to Congress the power to provide for "calling forth the militia" in three situations only: 1) to execute the laws of the union, 2) to suppress insurrections, and 3) to repel invasions.

During state ratifying conventions, proponents of the Constitution, including James Madison and Edmund Randolph, repeatedly assured the people that this power to call forth the militia into federal service would be limited to those (3) particular situations and not for general purposes. One must read the papers that reflect the beliefs and thoughts of our founders to understand their intent in this Article and the entire United States Constitution. As a National Guard member from August 1970 to August 1976, I strongly support SB 1495, and thanks, Senator Rogers, for your efforts to see this through.

Jeff Luft

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Thank you for covering this. As was mentioned in the article, Ben Toma stonewalled this previously, and Kevin Payne continues to try. These, I hesitate to call them, men are bought by the blood of our brethren used by the Military industrial Complex.

Payne was desperate to kill it here, so he got Dunn out of committee. Thankfully Gowan wasn't having any of it. We can expect a lot of interference by Payne thought this entire session.

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